Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Have You Ever Heard To Web Scraping Expert Use Business Information?

Have you ever heard of "data scraping?" Scaling of the use of information and data scraping technology made his fortune many a successful trader is not new technology. Sometimes website owners automated harvesting of your data can not be happy with sitting

Fortunately there is a modern solution to this problem. Proxy data scraping technology solves the problem by using proxy IP addresses. Scraping data each time you run the program, organized the evacuation of a website, the website thinks that it comes from a different IP address. For website owners, worldwide only a short period of increased traffic from the proxy data scraping sounds.

Now you might be asking yourself: "Can the technology proxy data scraping project?" Certainly better than the choice is dangerous and unreliable (but) free public proxy servers.

There are literally thousands of the world that is quite easy to free proxy servers are all on. But the trick is finding them. Many sites list hundreds of servers, but open to find, and the protocol perseverance, trial and error, works for one of the first lessons you something about server to server, or do not know what activities are going for. A public proxy requests or sensitive data transmitted through a bad idea.

A less risky scenario for proxy data for scraping a rotating proxy connection goes through many private IP addresses to hire.

Scrape data from the software-only website is the proven process of extracting data from the Web. Offer the best of the web software to extract data. We have the expertise and knowledge in web data extraction, image, display, email extract, eliminate services, data mining and web intervene to eliminate.

For example, many companies based on their own needs, in particular, helped to find the data.

Data collection

Generally, data, information, automated computer programs for processing by the appropriate structures transmission. Such formats and protocols are usually strictly structured, well-documented, easily decompose, and confusion to a minimum. Very often, these transmissions are not human readable.

Tractor unit that automatically Extractor is an email from a reliable source that the e-mail ID helps to remove. This is fundamentally different than web pages, HTML files, text files or other format, business services contacts duplicate email addresses without.

A web spider is a computer program that a methodical, automated or surf the World Wide Web in a systematic way. Especially the many sites in the search engines, up-to-date information, as a means to quickly use.

Proxy data scraping technology solves the problem by using proxy IP addresses. Every time your data scraping program is a production of a website, the website that comes from a different IP address. The owner of this website, proxy data from around the world in an increase in traffic looks exactly like scraping the short term.

Now you might be asking yourself, "my project where I can get the data scraping proxy technology?" "Do it yourself" solution, but unfortunately, there is no need to call. Consider hosting the proxy server you choose to rent, but this option is quite pricey, but definitely better than the alternative is incredibly dangerous (but) free public proxy server.


Saturday, 27 December 2014

What Kind of Legal Problems Can Web Scraping Cause

Web scraping software is readily available and has been used by many for legitimate purposes. It has also been used for illegal purposes. A website that engages in this practice should know the legal dangers of the activity.

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General Knowledge- VII

The idea of web scraping is not new. Search engines have used this type of software to determine which results appear when someone conducts a search. They use special software software to extract data from a website and this data is then used to calculate the rankings of the website. Websites work very hard to improve their ranking and their chance of being found by anyone making a search. This use of this practice is understood and is considered to be a legitimate use for the software. However, there are services that provide web scraping and screen scraping prevention services and help the webmaster to remain safe from the attack of bad bots.

The problem with duplicacy is that it is often used for less than legitimate reasons. Since the software responsible can collect all sorts of data from websites and store the information that is collected, it represents a danger to anyone who might be affected by it. The information that can be collected can be used for many practices that are not so legitimate and may even be illegal. Anyone who is involved in this practice of content duplicacy should be aware of the legal issues implicated with this practice. It may be wise for anyone who has a website to find ways to prevent a site from being scraped or to use professional services to block site scraping.

Legal problems

The first thing to worry about, if you have a website or are using web scraping software, is when you might run into legal problems. Some of the issues that web scraping can cause include:

•    Access. If the software is used to access sites it does not have the right to access and takes information that it is not entitled to, the owner of the web scarping software may find themselves in legal trouble.

•    Re-use. The software can collect and reuse information. If that information is copyrighted, that might be a legal problem. Any information that is reused without permission may create legal issues for anyone who uses it.

•    Robots. Some states have enacted laws that are designed to keep people from using scraping robots. These automatically search out information on websites and using them may be illegal in some states. It is up to the user of the web scraping software to comply with any laws in the state in which they are operating.

Who is Responsible

The laws and regulations surrounding this practice are not always clear. There are many grey areas that allow this practice to occur. The question is, who is responsible for determining whether the use of web scraping software is legal?

Websites collect the information, but they may not be the entity using the web scraping software. If they are using this type of software, it is not always enough to inform the website's visitors that this practice is occurring. Putting this information into the user agreement may or may not protect the website from legal problems.

It is also partly the responsibility of a site owner to prevent a site from being scraped. There is software that can be used that will do this for a website and will keep any information that is collected safe and secure. A website may or may not be held legally responsible for any web scraper that is able to collect information they have. It will depend on why the data was collected, how it was used, who collected it, and whether precautions were taken.

What to expect

The issue of content copying and the legal issues surrounding it will continue to evolve. As more courts take on this issue, the lines between legal and illegal web scraping will become clearer. Many of the cases that have been brought to court have occurred in civil court, although there are some that have been taken up in a criminal court. There will be times when such practice may actually be a felony.

Before you use spying software, you need to realize that the laws surrounding its use are not clear. If you operate a website, you need to know the legal issues that you may face if scraping software is used on your website. The best step is to use the software available to protect your website and stop web scraping and be honest on your site if web scraping is used.


Monday, 22 December 2014

Scraping Fantasy Football Projections from the Web

In this post, I show how to download fantasy football projections from the web using R.  In prior posts, I showed how to scrape projections from ESPN, CBS,, and FantasyPros.  In this post, I compile the R scripts for scraping projections from these sites, in addition to the following sites: Accuscore, Fantasy Football Nerd, FantasySharks, FFtoday, Footballguys, FOX Sports, WalterFootball, and Yahoo.

Why Scrape Projections?

Scraping projections from multiple sources on the web allows us to automate importing the projections with a simple script.  Automation makes importing more efficient so we don’t have to manually download the projections whenever they’re updated.  Once we import all of the projections, there’s a lot we can do with them, like:

•    Determine who has the most accurate projections
•    Calculate projections for your league
•    Calculate players’ risk levels
•    Calculate players’ value over replacement
•    Identify sleepers
•    Calculate the highest value you should bid on a player in an auction draft
•    Draft the best starting lineup
•    Win your auction draft
•    Win your snake draft

The R Scripts

To scrape the projections from the websites, I use the readHTMLTable function from the XML package in R.  Here’s an example of how to scrape projections from FantasyPros:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8    

#Load libraries


#Download fantasy football projections from

qb_fp <- readHTMLTable("", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)$data

rb_fp <- readHTMLTable("", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)$data

wr_fp <- readHTMLTable("", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)$data

te_fp <- readHTMLTable("", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)$data

view raw FantasyPros projections hosted with ❤ by GitHub

The R Scripts for scraping the different sources are located below:

1.    Accuscore
2.    CBS - Jamey Eisenberg
3.    CBS – Dave Richard
4.    CBS – Average
5.    ESPN
6.    Fantasy Football Nerd
7.    FantasyPros
8.    FantasySharks
9.    FFtoday
10.    Footballguys – David Dodds
11.    Footballguys – Bob Henry
12.    Footballguys – Maurile Tremblay
13.    Footballguys – Jason Wood
14.    FOX Sports
16.    WalterFootball
17.    Yahoo

Density Plot

Below is a density plot of the projections from the different sources:Calculate projections


Scraping projections from the web is fast, easy, and automated with R.  Once you’ve downloaded the projections, there’s so much you can do with the data to help you win your league!  Let me know in the comments if there are other sources you want included (please provide a link).


Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Online Data Entry and Data Mining Services

Data entry job involves transcribing a particular type of data into some other form. It can be either online or offline. The input data may include printed documents like Application forms, survey forms, registration forms, handwritten documents etc.

Data entry process is an inevitable part of the job to any organization. One way or other each organization demands data entry. Data entry skills vary depends upon the nature of the job requirement, in some cases data to be entered from a hard copy formats and in some other cases data to be entered directly into a web portal. Online data entry job generally requires the data to be entered in to any online data base.

For a super market, data associate might be required to enter the goods which have sold in a particular day and the new goods received in a particular day to maintain the stock well in order. Also, by doing this the concerned authorities will get an idea about the sale particulars of each commodity as they requires. In another example, an office the account executive might be required to input the day to day expenses in to the online accounting database in order to keep the account well in order.

The aim of the data mining process is to collect the information from reliable online sources as per the requirement of the customer and convert it to a structured format for the further use. The major source of data mining is any of the internet search engine like Google, Yahoo, Bing, AOL, MSN etc. Many search engines such as Google and Bing provide customized results based on the user's activity history. Based on our keyword search, the search engine lists the details of the websites from where we can gather the details as per our requirement.

Collect the data from the online sources such as Company Name, Contact Person, Profile of the Company, Contact Phone Number of Email ID Etc. are doing for the marketing activities. Once the data is gathered from the online sources into a structured format, the marketing authorities will start their marketing promotions by calling or emailing the concerned persons, which may result to create a new customer. So basically data mining is playing a vital role in today's business expansions. By outsourcing the data entry and its related works, you can save the cost that would be incurred in setting up the necessary infrastructure and employee cost.


Saturday, 13 December 2014

Local ScraperWiki Library

It quite annoyed me that you can only use the scraperwiki library on a ScraperWiki instance; most of it could work fine elsewhere. So I’ve pulled it out (well, for Python at least) so you can use it offline.

How to use
pip install scraperwiki_local
A dump truck dumping its payload

You can then import scraperwiki in scripts run on your local computer. The scraperwiki.sqlite component is powered by DumpTruck, which you can optionally install independently of scraperwiki_local.

pip install dumptruck

DumpTruck works a bit differently from (and better than) the hosted ScraperWiki library, but the change shouldn’t break much existing code. To give you an idea of the ways they differ, here are two examples:

Complex cell values
What happens if you do this?
import scraperwiki
shopping_list = ['carrots', 'orange juice', 'chainsaw'][], {'shopping_list': shopping_list})
On a ScraperWiki server, shopping_list is converted to its unicode representation, which looks like this:
[u'carrots', u'orange juice', u'chainsaw']
In the local version, it is encoded to JSON, so it looks like this:
["carrots","orange juice","chainsaw"]

And if it can’t be encoded to JSON, you get an error. And when you retrieve it, it comes back as a list rather than as a string.

Case-insensitive column names
SQL is less sensitive to case than Python. The following code works fine in both versions of the library.

In [1]: shopping_list = ['carrots', 'orange juice', 'chainsaw']
In [2]:[], {'shopping_list': shopping_list})
In [3]:[], {'sHOpPiNg_liST': shopping_list})
In [4]:'* from swdata')

Out[4]: [{u'shopping_list': [u'carrots', u'orange juice', u'chainsaw']}, {u'shopping_list': [u'carrots', u'orange juice', u'chainsaw']}]

Note that the key in the returned data is ‘shopping_list’ and not ‘sHOpPiNg_liST’; the database uses the first one that was sent. Now let’s retrieve the individual cell values.

In [5]: data ='* from swdata')
In [6]: print([row['shopping_list'] for row in data])
Out[6]: [[u'carrots', u'orange juice', u'chainsaw'], [u'carrots', u'orange juice', u'chainsaw']]

The code above works in both versions of the library, but the code below only works in the local version; it raises a KeyError on the hosted version.

In [7]: print(data[0]['Shopping_List'])
Out[7]: [u'carrots', u'orange juice', u'chainsaw']

Here’s why. In the hosted version, returns a list of ordinary dictionaries. In the local version, returns a list of special dictionaries that have case-insensitive keys.

Develop locally

Here’s a start at developing ScraperWiki scripts locally, with whatever coding environment you are used to. For a lot of things, the local library will do the same thing as the hosted. For another lot of things, there will be differences and the differences won’t matter.

If you want to develop locally (just Python for now), you can use the local library and then move your script to a ScraperWiki script when you’ve finished developing it (perhaps using Thom Neale’s ScraperWiki scraper). Or you could just run it somewhere else, like your own computer or web server. Enjoy!


Thursday, 4 December 2014

Web scraping tutorial

There are three ways to access a website data. One is through a browser, the other is using a API (if the site provides one) and the last by parsing the web pages through code. The last one also known as Web Scraping is a technique of extracting information from websites using specially coded programs.

In this post we will take a quick look at writing a simple scraperusing the simplehtmldom library. But before we continue a word of caution:

Writing screen scrapers and spiders that consume large amounts of bandwidth, guess passwords, grab information from a site and use it somewhere else may well be a violation of someone’s rights and will eventually land you in trouble. Before writing  a screen scraper first see if the website offers an RSS feed or an API for the data you are looking. If not and you have to use a scraper, first check the websites policies regarding automated tools before proceeding.

Now that we have got all the legalities out of the way, lets start with the examples.

1. Installing simplehtmldom.

Simplehtmldom is a PHP library that facilitates the process of creating web scrapers. It is a HTML DOM parser written in PHP5 that let you manipulate HTML in a quick and easy way. It is a wonderful library that does away with the messy details of regular expressions and uses CSS selector style DOM access like those found in jQuery.

First download the library from sourceforge.  Unzip the library in you PHP includes directory or a directory where you will be testing the code.

Writing our first scraper.

Now that we are ready with the tools, lets write our first web scraper. For our initial idea let us see how to grab the sponsored links section from a google search page.

There are three ways to access a website data. One is through a browser, the other is using a API (if the site provides one) and the last by parsing the web pages through code. The last one also known as Web Scraping is a technique of extracting information from websites using specially coded programs.

In this post we will take a quick look at writing a simple scraperusing the simplehtmldom library. But before we continue a word of caution:

Writing screen scrapers and spiders that consume large amounts of bandwidth, guess passwords, grab information from a site and use it somewhere else may well be a violation of someone’s rights and will eventually land you in trouble. Before writing  a screen scraper first see if the website offers an RSS feed or an API for the data you are looking. If not and you have to use a scraper, first check the websites policies regarding automated tools before proceeding.

Now that we have got all the legalities out of the way, lets start with the examples.

1. Installing simplehtmldom.

Simplehtmldom is a PHP library that facilitates the process of creating web scrapers. It is a HTML DOM parser written in PHP5 that let you manipulate HTML in a quick and easy way. It is a wonderful library that does away with the messy details of regular expressions and uses CSS selector style DOM access like those found in jQuery.

First download the library from sourceforge.  Unzip the library in you PHP includes directory or a directory where you will be testing the code.

Writing our first scraper.

Now that we are ready with the tools, lets write our first web scraper. For our initial idea let us see how to grab the sponsored links section from a google search page.


Thursday, 27 November 2014

Scraping R-bloggers with Python – Part 2

In my previous post I showed how to write a small simple python script to download the pages of If you followed that post and ran the script, you should have a folder on your hard drive with 2409 .html files labeled post1.html , post2.html and so forth. The next step is to write a small script that extract the information we want from each page, and store that information in a .csv file that is easily read by R. In this post I will show how to extract the post title, author name and date of a given post and store it in a .csv file with a unique id.

To do this open a document in your favorite python editor (I like to use aquamacs) and name it: As in the previous post we start by importing the modules that we will use for the extraction:

from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup

import os
import re

As in the previous post we will be using the BeautifulSoup module to extract the relevant information from the pages. The os module is used to get a list of file from the directory where we have saved the .html files, and finally the re module allows us to use regular expressions to format the titles that include a comma value or a newline value (\n). We need to remove these as they would mess up the formatting of the .csv file.

After having read in the modules, we need to get a list of files that we can iterate over. First we need to specify the path were the files are saved, and then we use the os module to get all the filenames in the specified directory:

path = "/Users/thomasjensen/Documents/RBloggersScrape/download"

listing = os.listdir(path)

It might be that there are other files in the given directory, hence we apply a filter, in shape of a list comprehension, to weed out any file names that do not match our naming scheme:

listing = [name for name in listing if"post\d+\.html",name) != None]

Notice that a regular expression was used to determine whether a given name in the list matched our naming scheme. For more on regular expressions have a look at this site.

The final steps in preparing our extraction is to change the working directory to where we have our .html files, and create an empty dictionary:

data = {}

Dictionaries are one of the great features of Python. Essentially a dictionary is a mapping of a key to a specific value, however the fact that dictionaries can be nested within each other, allows us to create data structures similar to R’s data frames.

Now we are ready to begin extracting information from our downloaded pages. Much as in the previous post, we will loop over all the file names, read each file into Python and create a BeautifulSoup object from the file:

for page in listing:
    site = open(page,"rb")
    soup = BeautifulSoup(site)

In order to store the values we extract from a given page, we update the dictionary with a unique key for the page. Since our naming scheme made sure that each file had a unique name, we simply remove the .html part from the page name, and use that as our key:

key = re.sub(".html","",page)


This will create a mapping between our key and an empty dictionary, nested within the data dictionary. Once this is done we can start extract information and store it in our newly created nested dictionary. The content we want is located in the main column, which has the id tag “leftcontent” in the html code. To get at this we use find() function on soup object created above:

content = soup.find("div", id = "leftcontent")

The first “h1” tag in our content object contains the title, so again we will use the find() function on the content object, to find the first “h1” tag:

title = content.findNext("h1").text

To get the text within the “h1” tag the .text had been added to our search with in the content object.

To find the author name, we are lucky that there is a class of “div” tags called “meta” which contain a link with the author name in it. To get the author name we simply find the meta div class and search for a link. Then we pull out the text of the link tag:

author = content.find("div",{"class":"meta"}).findNext("a").text

Getting the date is a simple matter as it is nested within div tag with the class “date”:

date = content.find("div",{"class":"date"}).text

Once we have the three variables we put them in dictionaries that are nested within the nested dictionary we created with the key:

data[key]["title"] = title
data[key]["author"] = author
data[key]["date"] = date

Once we have run the loop and gone through all posts, we need to write them in the right format to a .csv file. To begin with we open a .csv file names output:

output = open("/Users/thomasjensen/Documents/RBloggersScrape/output.csv","wb")

then we create a header that contain the variable names and write it to the output.csv file as the first row:

variables = unicode(",".join(["id","date","author","title"]))
header = variables + "\n"

Next we pull out all the unique keys from our dictionary that represent individual posts:

keys = data.keys()

Now it is a simple matter of looping through all the keys, pull out the information associated with each key, and write that information to the output.csv file:

for key in keys:
    print key
    id = key
    date = re.sub(",","",data[key]["date"])
    author = data[key]["author"]
    title = re.sub(",","",data[key]["title"])
    title = re.sub("\\n","",title)
    linelist = [id,date,author,title]
    linestring = unicode(",".join(linelist))
    linestring = linestring + "\n"

Notice that we first create four variables that contain the id, date, author and title information. With regards to the title we use two regular expressions to remove any commas and “\n” from the title, as these would create new columns or new line breaks in the output.csv file. Finally we put the variables together in a list, and turn the list into a string with the list items separated by a comma. Then a linebreak is added to the end of the string, and the string is written to the output.csv file. As a last step we close the file connection:


And that is it. If you followed the steps you should now have a csv file in your directory with 2409 rows, and four variables – ready to be read into R. Stay tuned for the next post which will show how we can use this data to see how R-bloggers has developed since 2005. The full extraction script is shown below:

from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup

import os
import re

 path = "/Users/thomasjensen/Documents/RBloggersScrape/download"
 listing = os.listdir(path)

listing = [name for name in listing if"post\d+\.html",name) != None]
 data = {}
 for page in listing:
site = open(page,"rb")
soup = BeautifulSoup(site)
key = re.sub(".html","",page)
print key
 content = soup.find("div", id = "leftcontent")
title = content.findNext("h1").text
author = content.find("div",{"class":"meta"}).findNext("a").text
date = content.find("div",{"class":"date"}).text
data[key]["title"] = title
data[key]["author"] = author
data[key]["date"] = date

 output = open("/Users/thomasjensen/Documents/RBloggersScrape/output.csv","wb")

 keys = data.keys()
 variables = unicode(",".join(["id","date","author","title"]))
 header = variables + "\n"
 for key in keys:
print key
id = key
date = re.sub(",","",data[key]["date"])
author = data[key]["author"]
title = re.sub(",","",data[key]["title"])
title = re.sub("\\n","",title)
linelist = [id,date,author,title]
linestring = unicode(",".join(linelist))
linestring = linestring + "\n"


Sunday, 23 November 2014

Outsourcing Data Mining is a Wise Business Decision

Most businesses nowadays have a large volume of raw data that is never processed, because of the lack of time or resources. If your business is facing a similar situation, then you are missing out on valuable information. Without the right information, your company will be unable to make accurate business decisions.

The right information can play a key role in promoting the growth of your business. When unprocessed data is entered, filtered, classified and converted into a workable format, it can be used to maximize your profits, ameliorate your risks and run a seamless workflow.

Over the years, data mining has proved to be extremely useful in various industries, be it, healthcare, direct marketing, e-commerce, finance, customer relationship management or telecommunications. With the right information, companies have been able to make fast and effective business decisions.

Why outsource data mining?

Data mining requires the expertise of professional business and financial analysts who understand how to acquire important information from vast amounts of data. If data mining is done in-house, it can become expensive and time consuming. It can also shift your focus away from core business activities. Outsourcing data mining on the other hand is more fast, cost-effective and can give you access to professional services.

4 commonly outsourced data mining functions

Most companies outsource one or more of the following data mining functions to India:

1. Data congregation: Data is extracted from various web pages and websites, by using methods like web and screen scraping. The collected data is then entered into a database.

2. Contact data collection: Different websites are searched and information concerning contacts is collected.

3. E-commerce data: Data about varied online stores are collected, taking into account information about prices, discounts and products.

4. Data about competitors: Data about business competitors are collected to help a company gauge itself against its competition. With such valuable data, you can effectively re-design your marketing strategy and pricing matrix.

8 advantages of outsourcing data mining to India

With data mining out of your hands, your business can make huge savings in terms of time, money and infrastructure. The following are some of the benefits that you can leverage by outsourcing data mining to India:

    Get qualified and highly skilled data mining experts to work for you at an extremely affordable cost

    Be assured of the quality of information, as Indian data entry companies only extract information from reliable websites and databases

    Save on the cost of investing on the latest data mining software and technology, as your Indian service provider will be making these investments

    Get your data processed within a short turnaround time of 3,6 or 12 hours as Indian data mining companies can provide efficient data mining within a few hours

    When compared to in-house data mining, outsourcing data mining can be a lot cheaper and also bring you better results

    Stay assured about the complete privacy, security and confidentiality of your valuable data as Indian data mining companies use the latest technology to ensure 100% safety

    Get access to data with a wide market coverage as your Indian data mining provider will be serving many business with varied data mining needs

    Improve your overall productivity and generate more profits by making informed decisions about your business

Have you outsourced data mining before? If yes, which data mining service did you outsource? Did you find outsourcing more advantageous that in-house data mining. Let us know.


Monday, 17 November 2014

Get started with screenscraping using Google Chrome’s Scraper extension

How do you get information from a website to a Excel spreadsheet? The answer is screenscraping. There are a number of softwares and plattforms (such as OutWit Hub, Google Docs and Scraper Wiki) that helps you do this, but none of them are – in my opinion – as easy to use as the Google Chrome extension Scraper, which has become one of my absolutely favourite data tools.

What is a screenscraper?

I like to think of a screenscraper as a small robot that reads websites and extracts pieces of information. When you are able to unleash a scraper on hundreads, thousands or even more pages it can be an incredibly powerful tool.

In its most simple form, the one that we will look at in this blog post, it gathers information from one webpage only.

Google Chrome’s Scraper

Scraper is an Google Chrome extension that can be installed for free at Chrome Web Store.


Now if you installed the extension correctly you should be able to see the option “Scrape similar” if you right-click any element on a webpage.

The Task: Scraping the contact details of all Swedish MPs


This is the site we’ll be working with, a list of all Swedish MPs, including their contact details. Start by right-clicking the name of any person and chose Scrape similar. This should open the following window.

Understanding XPaths

At w3schools you’ll find a broader introduction to XPaths.

Before we move on to the actual scrape, let me briefly introduce XPaths. XPath is a language for finding information in an XML structure, for example an HTML file. It is a way to select tags (or rather “nodes”) of interest. In this case we use XPaths to define what parts of the webpage that we want to collect.

A typical XPath might look something like this:


Which in plain English translates to:

    // - Search the whole document...

    div[@id="content"] - ...for the div tag with the id "content".

    table[1] -  Select the first table.

    tr - And in that table, grab all rows.

Over to Scraper then. I’m given the following suggested XPath:


The results look pretty good, but it seems we only get names starting with an A. And we would also like to collect to phone numbers and party names. So let’s go back to the webpage and look at the HTML structure.

Right-click one of the MPs and chose Inspect element. We can see that each alphabetical list is contained in a section tag with the class “grid_6 alpha omega searchresult container clist”.

 And if we open the section tag we find the list of MPs in div tags.

We will do this scrape in two steps. Step one is to select the tags containing all information about the MPs with one XPath. Step two is to pick the specific pieces of data that we are interested in (name, e-mail, phone number, party) and place them in columns.

Writing our XPaths

In step one we want to try to get as deep into the HTML structure as possible without losing any of the elements we are interested in. Hover the tags in the Elements window to see what tags correspond to what elements on the page.

In our case this is the last tag that contains all the data we are looking for:

    //section[@class="grid_6 alpha omega searchresult container clist"]/div/div/div/dl

Click Scrape to test run the XPath. It should give you a list that looks something like this.

Scroll down the list to make sure it has 349 rows. That is the number of MPs in the Swedish parliament. The second step is to split this data into columns. Go back to the webpage and inspect the HTML code.

I have highlighted the parts that we want to extract. Grab them with the following XPaths:

    name: dt/a
    party: dd[1]
    region: dd[2]/span[1]
    seat: dd[2]/span[2]
    phone: dd[3]
    e-mail: dd[4]/span/a

Insert these paths in the Columns field and click Scrape to run the scraper.

Click Export to Google Docs to get the data into a spreadsheet.


Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Why Businesses Need Data Scraping Service?

With the ever-increasing popularity of internet technology there is an abundance of knowledge processing information that can be used as gold if used in a structured format. We all know the importance of information. It has indeed become a valuable commodity and most sought after product for businesses. With widespread competition in businesses there is always a need to strive for better performances.

Taking this into consideration web data scraping service has become an inevitable component of businesses as it is highly useful in getting relevant information which is accurate. In the initial periods data scraping process included copying and pasting data information which was not relevant because it required intensive labor and was very costly. But now with the help of new data scraping tools like Mozenda, it is possible to extract data from websites easily. You can also take the help of data scrapers and data mining experts that scrape the data and automatically keep record of it.

How Professional Data Scraping Companies and Data Mining Experts Device a Solution?

Data Scraping Plan and Solutions


Why Data Scraping is Highly Essential for Businesses?

Data scraping is highly essential for every industry especially Hospitality, eCommerce, Research and Development, Healthcare, Financial and data scraping can be useful in marketing industry, real estate industry by scraping properties, agents, sites etc., travel and tourism industry etc. The reason for that is it is one of those industries where there is cut-throat competition and with the help of data scraping tools it is possible to extract useful information pertaining to preferences of customers, their preferred location, strategies of your competitors etc.

It is very important in today’s dynamic business world to understand the requirements of your customers and their preferences. This is because customers are the king of the market they determine the demand. Web data scraping process will help you in getting this vital information. It will help you in making crucial decisions which are highly critical for the success of business. With the help of data scraping tools you can automate the data scraping process which can result in increased productivity and accuracy.

Reasons Why Businesses Opt. For Website Data Scraping Solutions:

Website Scraping
Demand For New Data:

There is an overflowing demand for new data for businesses across the globe. This is due to increase in competition. The more information you have about your products, competitors, market etc. the better are your chances of expanding and persisting in competitive business environment. The manner in which data extraction process is followed is also very important; as mere data collection is useless. Today there is a need for a process through which you can utilize the information for the betterment of the business. This is where data scraping process and data scraping tools come into picture.
Capitalize On Hot Updates:

Today simple data collection is not enough to sustain in the business world. There is a need for getting up to date information. There are times when you will have the information pertaining to the trends in the market for your business but they would not be updated. During such times you will lose out on critical information. Hence; today in businesses it is a must to have recent information at your disposal.

The more recent update you have pertaining to the services of your business the better it is for your growth and sustenance. We are already seeing lot of innovation happening in the field of businesses hence; it is very important to be on your toes and collect relevant information with the help of data scrapers. With the help of data scrapping tools you can stay abreast with the latest developments in your business albeit; by spending extra money but it is necessary tradeoff in order to grow in your business or be left behind like a laggard.

Analyzing Future Demands:

Foreknowledge about the various major and minor issues of your industry will help you in assessing the future demand of your product / service. With the help of data scraping process; data scrapers can gather information pertaining to possibilities in business or venture you are involved in. You can also remain alert for changes, adjustments, and analysis of all aspects of your products and services.

Appraising Business:

It is very important to regularly analyze and evaluate your businesses. For that you need to evaluate whether the business goals have been met or not. It is important for businesses to know about your own performance. For example; for your businesses if the world market decides to lower the prices in order to grow their customer base you need to be prepared whether you can remain in the industry despite lowering the price. This can be done only with the help of data scraping process and data scraping tools.


Friday, 7 November 2014

Web Scraping: Business Intelligence

Web scraping is simply getting of information that is both hidden and unhidden from the internet. Web scraping is one of the latest technologies used in harvesting data from WebPages. It has been used to extract useful information for practical and beneficial applications and its interpretation has been tested in decision making. Web scraping is a new term that overshadows the traditional data harvesting technique that was used before. It has been regarded as knowledge discovery in databases for research and even marketing monitoring.

This article explores the various business intelligence ways in which web scraping can be used to be of importance.

Web scraping services has been used by many companies that have a strong customer focus. These companies range from sectors like retail, financial services, and marketing and communication organizations. It quite important to realize that web scraping has great signifies and impact in the varied commercial applications for the better understanding and prediction of the critical data. The data may range from stocks to consumer behaviors. The consumer behaviors are better shown in trends like customer profiles, purchasing and industry analysis among others.


Monday, 8 September 2014

Scraping webdata from a website that loads data in a streaming fashion

I'm trying to scrape some data off of the website using python for a project of mine. Normally I use python

mechanize and beautifulsoup to do the scraping.

I've been able to figure out most of the issues but can't seem to get around a problem. It seems like the data is

streamed into the table and mechanize.Browser() just stops listening.

So here's the issue: If you visit ... you get the first 500

contributors whose last name starts with A and have given money to candidate P80003338 ... however, if you use at that url all you get is the first ~5 rows.

I'm guessing its because mechanize isn't letting the page fully load before the .read() is executed. I tried putting a

time.sleep(10) between the .open() and .read() but that didn't make much difference.

And I checked, there's no javascript or AJAX in the website (or at least none are visible when you use the 'view-

source'). SO I don't think its a javascript issue.

Any thoughts or suggestions? I could use selenium or something similar but that's something that I'm trying to avoid.


2 Answers

Why not use an html parser like lxml with xpath expressions.

I tried

>>> import lxml.html as lh
>>> data = lh.parse('')
>>> name = data.xpath('/html/body/table[2]/tr[5]/td[1]/a/text()')
>>> name
>>> name = data.xpath('//table[2]/*/td[1]/a/text()')
>>> len(name)
>>> name[499]

Similarly, you can create xpath expression of your choice to work with.



How can I circumvent page view limits when scraping web data using Python?

I am using Python to scrape US postal code population data from http:/, through this directory: The specific pages I am trying to scrape are individual postal code pages with URLs like this: All of the individual zip code pages I need to access have this same URL Format, so my script simply does the following for postal_code in range:

    Creates URL given postal code
    Tries to get response from URL
    If (2), Check the HTTP of that URL
    If HTTP is 200, retrieves the HTML and scrapes the data into a list
    If HTTP is not 200, pass and count error (not a valid postal code/URL)
    If no response from URL because of error, pass that postal code and count error
    At end of script, print counter variables and timestamp

The problem is that I run the script and it works fine for ~500 postal codes, then suddenly stops working and returns repeated timeout errors. My suspicion is that the site's server is limiting the page views coming from my IP address, preventing me from completing the amount of scraping that I need to do (all 100,000 potential postal codes).

My question is as follows: Is there a way to confuse the site's server, for example using a proxy of some kind, so that it will not limit my page views and I can scrape all of the data I need?

Thanks for the help! Here is the code:


import requests

import re

import datetime

def zip_population_scrape():

    This script will scrape population data for postal codes in range
    postal_code_data = [['zip','population']] #list for storing scraped data

    #Counters for keeping track:
    total_scraped = 0
    total_invalid = 0
    errors = 0

    for postal_code in range(1001,5000):

        #This if statement is necessary because the postal code can't start
        #with 0 in order for the for statement to interate successfully
        if postal_code <10000:
            postal_code_string = str(0)+str(postal_code)
            postal_code_string = str(postal_code)

        #all postal code URLs have the same format on this site
        url = '' + postal_code_string + '.html'

        #try to get current URL
            response = requests.get(url, timeout = 5)
            http = response.status_code

            #print current for logging purposes
            print url +" - HTTP:  " + str(http)

            #if valid webpage:
            if http == 200:

                #save html as text
                html = response.text

                #extra print statement for status updates
                print "HTML ready"

                #try to find two substrings in HTML text
                #add the substring in between them to list w/ postal code

                    found ='population in 2011:</b> (.*)<br>', html).group(1)

                    #add to # scraped counter
                    total_scraped +=1


                    #print statement for logging
                    print postal_code_string + ": " + str(found) + ". Data scrape successful. " + str(total_scraped) + " total zips scraped."
                #if substrings not found, try searching for others
                #and doing the same as above   
                except AttributeError:
                    found ='population in 2010:</b> (.*)<br>', html).group(1)

                    total_scraped +=1

                    print postal_code_string + ": " + str(found) + ". Data scrape successful. " + str(total_scraped) + " total zips scraped."

            #if http =404, zip is not valid. Add to counter and print log        
            elif http == 404:
                total_invalid +=1

                print postal_code_string + ": Not a valid zip code. " + str(total_invalid) + " total invalid zips."

            #other http codes: add to error counter and print log
                errors +=1

                print postal_code_string + ": HTTP Code Error. " + str(errors) + " total errors."

        #if get url fails by connnection error, add to error count & pass
        except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
            errors +=1
            print postal_code_string + ": Connection Error. " + str(errors) + " total errors."

        #if get url fails by timeout error, add to error count & pass
        except requests.exceptions.Timeout:
            errors +=1
            print postal_code_string + ": Timeout Error. " + str(errors) + " total errors."

    #print final log/counter data, along with timestamp finished
    print now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
    print str(total_scraped) + " total zips scraped."
    print str(total_invalid) + " total unavailable zips."
    print str(errors) + " total errors."


Saturday, 6 September 2014

A good web data extraction/screen scraper program?

I need to capture product data from a site on a regular basis and wondered if any one knows of a good software program? I've trialed Mozenda but its a monthly subscription and pricey in the long term. Obviously something thats free would be best but I don't mind paying either. Just need a decent program thats reliable and doesn't require much programming knowledge.

You can try if you know python.

I've experimented with Screen-Scraper and found it easy to use. The application comes in multiple versions: basic (which is free), professional, and enterprise. Also, multiple platforms are supported.

Hire a programmer to do it so that there is only a one off cost. I often see similar projects on freelancing websites like Elance and oDesk.

I really like iMacros. You can give it a test drive to see if it meets your needs with the totally free Firefox extension (there's also IE versions), but there are also more full featured application and "server" versions that have more features and ability to do thing in an unattended manner.

Here are some other alternatives to consider:

    License the data from the provider. Call em up and ask 'em.

    Use Amazon Mechanical Turk to get humans to copy and paste and format it for ya. They are cheap.

    For automation, it depends on how complicated the HTML is and how often it changes. You could use Excel's Web Data Import if it's really simple.

You can use irobot from IRobotSoft, which is totally free, and provides more functionalityies than other paid software. Watch demos here for how simple it is.

Questions on their forum were answered very quickly.


Friday, 5 September 2014

How to login to website and extract data using PHP [closed]

I have installed the tiny tiny rss on to my computer (Windows) and also have Xampp installed (localhost).

I want to be able to use PHP to extract data from the Tiny tiny RSS webpage.

I have tried this it which just opens the front page:

$homepage = file_get_contents('my install tiny tiny rss url');
echo $homepage;

But how do I login and extract the data.

You can use cURL to send post data and headers. To login you need to replicate the exact data exchange between the client and the server.


Is it ok to scrape data from Google results?

I'd like to fetch results from Google using curl to detect potential duplicate content. Is there a high risk of being banned by Google?

Google will eventually block your IP when you exceed a certain amount of requests.

Google disallows automated access in their TOS, so if you accept their terms you would break them.

That said, I know of no lawsuit from Google against a scraper. Even Microsoft scraped Google, they powered their search engine Bing with it. They got caught in 2011 red handed :)

There are two options to scrape Google results:

1) Use their API

    You can issue around 40 requests per hour You are limited to what they give you, it's not really useful if you want to track ranking positions or what a real user would see. That's something you are not allowed to gather.

    If you want a higher amount of API requests you need to pay.
    60 requests per hour cost 2000 USD per year, more queries require a custom deal.

2) Scrape the normal result pages

    Here comes the tricky part. It is possible to scrape the normal result pages. Google does not allow it.
    If you scrape at a rate higher than 15 keyword requests per hour you risk detection, higher than 20/h will get you blocked from my experience.
    By using multiple IPs you can up the rate, so with 100 IP addresses you can scrape up to 2000 requests per hour. (50k a day)
    There is an open source search engine scraper written in PHP at It allows to reliable scrape Google, parses the results properly and manages IP addresses, delays, etc. So if you can use PHP it's a nice kickstart, otherwise the code will still be useful to learn how it is done.


Thursday, 4 September 2014

Data Scraping from PDF and Excel

I am doing a little data scraping, There are 3 types of file from which i am scraping data.

2- PDF
3- Excel(xls)

For HTML i am comfortable, i am using HTML Agility for that.

For PDF and excel i need suggestions from anyone.

Concerning Excel. If you are in a MS environment you can either do Office Automation or use OLEDB. In a Java

environment look at Apache POI.

EDIT: Concerning PDF in Java try Apache PDFBox . Can also work in .NET using IKVM

I can recommend Cogniview's PDF2XL, a reasonably inexpensive commercial product, to extract data from tables in PDF

files into Excel. We have used it with great success.

HTML Agility is a library. Its good to use. But then, why do you need separate tools for different data extraction

purposes? Use Automation Anywhere to extract data from any source. As far as I know, it would work for all the three

sources you have specified. Google it.


Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Excel VBA Data Mining Real-Time Data from a Web Page that Refreshes Data

I want to capture real-time data that updates into a table on a webpage; I prefer capturing it into excel using VBA, but I will write it in .NET C# or VB if I that is easier.

the data updates about 1 or 2 seconds, and I want to just grab the latest data quotes and log it into my spreadsheet; the table names are the same, only the data refreshes, and it does so automatically on the web page.

I've done a lot of Excel VBA and I know how to download a URL to a file--this is NOT what I want; I want to gain access to my webpage that is active and grab the data updates after I've logged into my site and selected a webpage that I like.

Is there a simple way to access this data on the webpage from Excel or .Net? Because it refreshes no more than once every 1 or 2 seconds, it is easy to just keep checking it for updates, and I can compare the latest data to see if it actually refreshed.

In Excel 2003, use Data/Import External Data/New Web Query
Browse to your page and select the table you want to import.
After that you can either do a manual Refresh, or use a timer procedure to do something like:


Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Need to pull data from a website…web query? macro?

I have a list of every DOT # (Dept. of Trans.) in the country. I want to find out insurance effective date for each one of these companies. If you go to --> "continue" --> then from the dropdown select "carrier search" and hit "go" it'll take you to a search form (that is the only way to get to this screen).

From there, you can input a DOT # X (use 61222 as an example) and it'll bring you to another screen. Click "view report in HTML" and then down on the bottom you'll see "Active/Pending Insurance". I want to pull the "effective date" from that page and stick it in the spreadsheet next to the DOT # X that I already know.

Of the thousands of DOT #'s in my list, not all will have filings on this website, if that makes a difference.

Can this be done with a Macro or Excel Web Query? I know I probably sound like a total novice, but I'd appreciate any help I could get.

Can you do it? Frankly even if you could you'd lock up the spreadsheet while it's doing that processing. And in the end, how would you handle an error half-way through?

I'd not do this in a client-facing application. This sounds more like something to do in server-side app that can do the processing and gather the information in a more controlled environment. Then you Excel spreadsheet could query that app and get the information in one fell swoop. Error handling is much simpler and you don't end up sitting there staring at Excel why it works its way through thousands of web sites. It was not built to do that elegantly.

What do you write the web service I'm describing in? Well it depends on your preference. Me, I'd write it in Ruby on Rails since it can easily handle the scraping aspect of the task and can report the data out easily as well. But it really falls back to whatever you're most comfortable coding in.


How to extract data from web 2.0 graphs using a scraper

I have recently come across a web page containing a graph object that displays the (x, y) values on the object as the

mouse is rolled across it. Is there any way to automate the extraction of this data?

How is the graph data loaded? If embedded in the page source then you can extract it with xpath or regex. Else use

Firebug to see how it is loaded.

You will need a solution that works inside the web browser, so the AJAX/Javascript is properly rendered.

I have used iMacros with good success for web scraping in the past. There are free/open-source and "PRO" paid editions

(comparison table here).

Another option is always to custom code something with the Microsoft webbrowser control.


Legality of Web Scraping vs Normal Use

I know the topic of web scraping has been discussed before (example), and I understand it's a bit of a grey area

depending on a lot of factors (e.g. website's terms of use).

What I'd like to ask is: how is web scraping any different from (a) how we access the webpage via a web browser, and

(b) how web crawlers (e.g. Google) download and index webpages?

Without knowing the legal background, I can't help but think that they're all just HTTP requests. If web scraping is

illegal, then so should crawling and indexing (for instance be illegal).

Of course if your program is hitting the server so hard that it causes a denial of service, it's a different story

altogether... my point is simply accessing and using data that is already open to the public.

I know this is a dead thread, but it would be nice to place some legal implications here due to its ranking in my

Google Search. I cannot help but figure I am not the only one who searches like I do.

Legally, in the US, there are a few factors that seem to be important.

    Are you doing anything that is akin to hacking or gaining unauthorized access via the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.

Exploiting vulnerabilities and passing SQL in the URL to open a database no matter how bad the idiot programming like

that was is illegal with a 15 year sentence (see the cases where an individual exploited security vulnerabilities in

Verizon). Also, add a time out even if you round robin or use proxies. DDoS attacks are attacks. 1000 requests per

second can shut down a lot of servers providing public information. The result here is up to 15 years in jail.

    Copyright Law: As mentioned, pure replication of data is illegal. Even 4% replication has been deemed a breach.

With the recent gutting of the DMCA, a person is even more vulnerable to civil and criminal penalties.

    Trespass and Chattels: The following from wikipedia says it all.

    U.S. courts have acknowledged that users of "scrapers" or "robots" may be held liable for committing trespass to

chattels,[5][6] which involves a computer system itself being considered personal property upon which the user of a

scraper is trespassing. The best known of these cases, eBay v. Bidder's Edge, resulted in an injunction ordering

Bidder's Edge to stop accessing, collecting, and indexing auctions from the eBay web site.

    Paywalls and Product: When going behind paywalls and breaching contract by clicking an agreement not to do

something and then doing it, you add fuel to the protection of negligence v. willingness [an issue for damages and

penalties not guilt] in civil and any criminal trials. (sorry originally wanted to say ignorance but it really isn't a


    International: EU law and other law is way more lax. Corporations with big budgets dominate our legal landscape.

They control the system in a very real way with their $$$.

Basically, get public information and information that is available without going behind a pay wall. Think like a user

of the internet and combine a bunch of sources into a unique product. Don't just 'steal' an entire site (it isn't

really stealing if it is a government site that offers public data especially for download but is if you download all

or even more than a couple of the listings on ebay). Read the terms and conditions to know who actually owns the


Here are a few examples. Trulia owns its information but you could use it to go to an agents website and collect a

legal amount of information. The legal amount is determinable. However, a public MLS listing lookup site with no

agreement or terms and offering data to the public is fair game. The MLS numbers lists, however, are normally not fair


If a researcher can get to data, so can you. If a researcher needs permission, so do you. A computer is like having a

million corporate researchers at your disposal.

AS for company policy, it is usually used internally to shield from liability and serves as a warning but is not

entirely enforceable. The legal parts letting you know about copyrights and such are and usually are supposed to be

known by everyone. Complete ignorance is not a legal protection. It does provide a ground set of rules. Be nice, or get

banned is that message as far as I know.

My personal strategy is to start with public data and embellish it within legal means.


Anyone knows an online tool that can scrape a page and create a REST API for the scraped data?

I'm looking for a SaaS solution that is able to login to a platform, scrape data (reports) and then allow accessing the

data through an API. I have some reporting platforms that provide web reporting and email reporting but with no API.

Online reporting doesn't help and email reporting, although can be automated and scraped, isn't so reliable.

If you are willing to do the scraping through your own connection, have a look at Import IO. They have a desktop

application that you use to teach the system how to scrape a page, and then you run the crawler from that application -

and you can run it for as long as you like, as far as I can tell.

You may then upload your data to the Import cloud, from where it is available via an API on the servers.

Useful data can be made public to donate it "to the commons" if you wish.

I did some more digging, found iMacros as a possible solution. Its Windows based, which is a drawback in my case, but

it does allow automation of the scraping and afterwards interaction via common web scripting languages like PHP and

If you are familiar with jQuery, I think you can use node.js and Cheerio module, then you can create a simple

application to do auto scraping. Actually I have already built a site to do on line web scraping based on the above

mentioned tech, the site is, you can take a look at it.



Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Extract data from Web Scraping C#

I am MVC ASP.NET developer.

I have received the contents from any url, i.e. http, https etc. using WebRequest class.

I have received all the content of that particular url. (for now I took

My next step is to extract buttons, header, footer, colors, text etc.

Here is my code for now:

public ActionResult GetContent(UrlModel model) //model having a string URL
which is entered in a text box and method hits using submit button.
    //WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(model.URL);

    WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(model.URL);

    request.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;

    WebResponse response = request.GetResponse();

    Stream dataStream = response.GetResponseStream();

    StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(dataStream);

    string responseFromServer = reader.ReadToEnd();
    ViewBag.Response = responseFromServer;

    return View();

Can someone help me with writing the code ?

Also do suggest me with some techniques of data extraction in C#.


Scrapy, scraping price data from StubHub

I've been having a difficult time with this one.

I want to scrape all the prices listed for this Bruno Mars concert at the Hollywood Bowl so I can get the average price.

I've located the prices in the HTML and the xpath is pretty straightforward but I cannot get any values to return.

I think it has something to do with the content being generated via javascript or ajax but I can't figure out how to send the correct request to get the code to work.

Here's what I have:

from scrapy.spider import BaseSpider
from scrapy.selector import Selector

from deeptix.items import DeeptixItem

class TicketSpider(BaseSpider):
    name = "deeptix"
    allowed_domains = [""]
    start_urls = [""]

def parse(self, response):
    sel = Selector(response)
    sites = sel.xpath('//div[contains(@class, "q_cont")]')
    items = []
    for site in sites:
        item = DeeptixItem()
        item['price'] = site.xpath('span[contains(@class, "q")]/text()').extract()
    return items

Any help would be greatly appreciated I've been struggling with this one for quite some time now. Thank you in advance!


Tuesday, 26 August 2014

How do you scrape AJAX pages?


All screen scraping first requires manual review of the page you want to extract resources from. When dealing with AJAX you usually just need to analyze a bit more than just simply the HTML.

When dealing with AJAX this just means that the value you want is not in the initial HTML document that you requested, but that javascript will be exectued which asks the server for the extra information you want.

You can therefore usually simply analyze the javascript and see which request the javascript makes and just call this URL instead from the start.


Take this as an example, assume the page you want to scrape from has the following script:

<script type="text/javascript">
function ajaxFunction()
var xmlHttp;
  // Firefox, Opera 8.0+, Safari
  xmlHttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
catch (e)
  // Internet Explorer
    xmlHttp=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
  catch (e)
      xmlHttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
    catch (e)
      alert("Your browser does not support AJAX!");
      return false;

Then all you need to do is instead do an HTTP request to time.asp of the same server instead. Example from w3schools.


using Perl to scrape a website

I am interested in writing a perl script that goes to the following link and extracts the number 1975:

That website is the amount of white men born in the year 1923 who live in San Diego County, California in 1940. I am trying to do this in a loop structure to generalize over multiple counties and birth years.

In the file, locations.txt, I put the list of counties, such as San Diego County.

The current code runs, but instead of the # 1975, it displays unknown. The number 1975 should be in $val\n.

I would very much appreciate any help!


use strict;

use LWP::Simple;

open(L, "locations26.txt");

my $url = '';

open(O, ">out26.txt");
 my $oldh = select(O);
 $| = 1;
 while (my $location = <L>) {
     $location =~ s/ /+/g;
      foreach my $year (1923..1923) {
                 my $u = $url;
                 $u =~ s/%LOCATION%/$location/;
                 $u =~ s/%YEAR%/$year/;
                 #print "$u\n";
                 my $content = get($u);
                 my $val = 'unknown';
                 if ($content =~ / of .strong.([0-9,]+)..strong. /) {
                         $val = $1;
                 $val =~ s/,//g;
                 $location =~ s/\+/ /g;
                 print "'$location',$year,$val\n";
                 print O "'$location',$year,$val\n";

Update: API is not a viable solution. I have been in contact with the site developer. The API does not apply to that part of the webpage. Hence, any solution pertaining to JSON will not be applicbale.


Monday, 25 August 2014

Data Scraping using php

Here is my code









    <table align="center">
    <tr><td>ISP :</td><td><?php echo $isp;?></td></tr>
    <tr><td>City :</td><td><?php echo $city;?></td></tr>
    <tr><td>State :</td><td><?php echo $state;?></td></tr>
    <tr><td>Zipcode :</td><td><?php echo $zipcode;?></td></tr>
    <tr><td>Country :</td><td><?php echo $country;?></td></tr>

How do I find out the ISP provider of a person viewing a PHP page?

Is it possible to use PHP to track or reveal it?


Curl Scrapping

curl_setopt( $curl_handle, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true );
curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_URL,$url);
curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, Array("User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080623 Firefox/") );
curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 2);
curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Your application name');
$query = curl_exec($curl_handle);

echo $query;




<table align="center">
<tr><td>ISP :</td><td><?php echo $isp;?></td></tr>
<tr><td>City :</td><td><?php echo $city;?></td></tr>
<tr><td>State :</td><td><?php echo $state;?></td></tr>
<tr><td>Zipcode :</td><td><?php echo $zipcode;?></td></tr>
<tr><td>Country :</td><td><?php echo $country;?></td></tr>


What's is wrong with my code here? Any alternative code , that i can use here.

I am not able to scrape that data as described here.

P.S. Please post full code. It would be easier for me to understand.


PDF scraping using R

I have been using the XML package successfully for extracting HTML tables but want to extend to PDF's. From previous questions it does not appear that there is a simple R solution but wondered if there had been any recent developments

Failing that, is there some way in Python (in which I am a complete Novice) to obtain and manipulate pdfs so that I could finish the job off with the R XML package

Extracting text from PDFs is hard, and nearly always requires lots of care.

I'd start with the command line tools such as pdftotext and see what they spit out. The problem is that PDFs can store the text in any order, can use awkward font encodings, and can do things like use ligature characters (the joined up 'ff' and 'ij' that you see in proper typesetting) to throw you.

pdftotext is installable on any Linux system


Sunday, 24 August 2014

Php Scraping data from a website

I am very new to programming and need a little help with getting data from a website and passing it into my PHP script.

The website is

I would like to plug in a name (First and Last) and retrieve the result. I know you can query the site by passing the name in the URL, but I am having problems scraping the results.

I am using the file_get_contents($URL) function to get the page but need help after that. Specifically, I would like to scrape only the results from a certain state if there are multiple results for that name.

You need the awesome simple_html_dom class.

With this class you can query the webpage's DOM in a similar way to jQuery.

First include the class in your page, then get the page content with this snippet:

$html = file_get_html('' . $first . '&textfield2=' . $last . '&age=&affid=');

Then you can use CSS selections to scrape your data (something like this):

$n = 0;
foreach($html->find('table tbody tr td div font b table tbody') as $element) {
    @$row[$n]['tr']  = $element->find('tr')->text;

// output your data


Obtaining reddit data

I am interested in obtaining data from different reddit subreddits. Does anyone know

if there is a reddit/other api similar like twitter does to crawl all the pages?

Yes, reddit has an API that can be used for a variety of purposes such as data

collection, automatic commenting bots, or even to assist in subreddit moderation.

There are a few places to discover information on reddit's API:

    github reddit wiki -- provides the overview and rules for using reddit's API

(follow the rules)
    automatically generated API docs -- provides information on the requests needed to

access most of the API endpoints
    /r/redditdev -- the reddit community dedicated to answering questions both about

reddit's source code and about reddit's API

If there is a particular programming language you are already familiar with, you

should check out the existing set of API wrappers for various languages. Despite my

bias (I am the package maintainer) I am quite certain PRAW, for python, has support

for the largest number of reddit API features.


Saturday, 23 August 2014

Scraping data in dynamic sites

I'm trying to scrape data from our local government. What I want is address from kids adoption offices. Here, in Brazil, all adoptions go through the government. So I have the URL of one office, there are 2 or 3 thousands more. But if I can manage to get one, the others will be easy. I made many attempts, bellow I show three.

The problem could be related to a Javascript (Ajax maybe) that refresh the page.

Note: I am not a PHP developer.

First attempt

echo '<html><head></head><body>';
echo '<h1>Scraper PHP GET 1</h1>';

echo ini_get("allow_url_fopen");
echo ini_get("allow_url_fopen");

// I used this url for test
//$url = '';

//This is the URL that I really want
$url = '';

$html = file_get_contents($url);

echo '</body></html>';

// Output
// 11
// Warning:
transacao=CONSULTA&vara=2673) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: HTTP
request failed! HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found in /home/rsl/www/sc01_get.php on line 14
// bool(false)

Second attempt

echo '<html><head></head><body>';
echo '<h1>Scraper PHP CURL 3</h1>';

// I used this url for test
//$url = '';

//This is the URL that I really want
$url = '';

$curl = curl_init($url);
@curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "foo");
@curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
@curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST");;


if (!$html) {
    echo "<br />cURL error number:" .curl_errno($curl);
    echo "<br />cURL error:" . curl_error($curl);
   echo '<br>begin HTML[';
    echo  $html;
   echo '<br>]end html ';
echo '</body></html>';

// Output
// 1

third attempt

function curl($url){
    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/535.6 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/16.0.897.0 Safari/535.6');
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, true);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, "cookie.txt");
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, "cookie.txt");
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 30);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, "");

    $data = curl_exec($ch);
    return $data;

echo '<html><head></head><body>';
echo '<h1>Scraper PHP CURL 5</h1>';

// I used this url for test
//$url = '';

//This is the URL that I really want
$url = '';

$curl = curl_init($url);
@curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "foo");
@curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
@curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST");;


if (!$html) {
    echo "<br />cURL error number:" .curl_errno($curl);
    echo "<br />cURL error:" . curl_error($curl);
    echo '<br>begin HTML[';
    echo  $html;
    echo '<br>]end html ';
echo '</body></html>';

// Output
// cURL error number:0
// cURL error:

If the pages are really ajax based meaning the information that you need to scrape is loaded or shown through javascript execution, you will need another approach. You would need to automate with a real browser. You can go the Selenium route which can be written in a number of languages or use CasperJS with Javascript as the programming language.


Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Web Scraping data from different sites

I am looking for a few ideas on how can I solve a design problem I'm going to be faced with building a web scraper to scrape multiple sites. Writing the scraper(s) is not the problem, matching the data from different sites (which may have small differences) is.

For the sake of being generic assume that I am scraping something like this from two or more different sites:

    public class Data {
        public int id;
        public String firstname;
        public String surname;

If i scrape this from two different sites, I will encounter the situation where I could have the following:

Site A: id=100, firstname=William, surname=Doe

Site B: id=1974, firstname=Bill, surname=Doe

Essentially, I would like to consider these two sets of data the same (they are the same person but with their name slightly different on each site). I am looking for possible design solutions that can handle this.

The only idea I've come up with is scraping the data from a third location and using it as a reference list. Then when I scrape site A or B I can, over time, build up a list of failures and store them in a list for each scraper so that it can know (if i find id=100 then i know that the firstname will be William etc). I can't help but feel this is a rubbish idea!

If you need any more info, or if you think my description is a bit naff, let me know!


